Business Planning

Business Planning Services

Why you need to have a business plan:

Suppose that you are taking a trip to a particular destination. Would you take such a trip without studying a road map? If you did, it is likely that you would wind up at a different destination than the destination you intended. A business plan is like a road map; it helps you to negotiate the complicated essentials of being in business. A business plan combines a strategic plan with a budget plan. The strategic plan defines your goals and objectives, defines your strategy for navigating the competitive landscape, and how you intend to achieve your goals and objectives. The budget plan helps you to allocate the resources required to execute your strategic plan.

A business plan should be an operational plan, executing the plan will help you to achieve your goals and get you to your destination. Most business plans are used to obtain financing from a bank or venture capitalist and are written from the perspective of the financier. Once the financing is obtained, the business plan is typically forgotten. If you do this you are throwing away the road map that will get you to your destination. An operational business plan can be tailored to get financing. A business plan used to obtain financing cannot be used for operational purposes without lots of additional work and money and the likelihood that major adjustments to the original plan will have to be made. Don’t take short-cuts; invest in an operational business plan.

Download our fact-sheet that details what we do and what we deliver to our clients.

We are a 501 (c)(3) public charity. All revenues that we receive that are in excess of the costs of producing and marketing our business plan services are used to subsidize our research function.

The Boston Forecasting Research Institute, Forecasting, Economic Forecasting, Macroeconomic Forecasting, Business Forecasting, Forecasting for Business, Business Planning, Strategic Planning, Business Analytics, Marketing Analytics, Predicitve Analytics, Forecasting Research, Budgeting for Business, Financial Planning for Business, Optimal Budgeting for Business