
Fundraising Campaign

In order to fulfill our research mission, we need to hire three Ph.D. level economists, three research assistants, one editor, and one graphic designer. The cost is between $900,00 and $1,000,000 on an annual basis. To net that amount we need to raise a gross amount of $1.3 million. We need to have donors that care about research enough to contribute generously to our cause. To donate, go to the next page, fill-out our donor registration form and then use the PayPal button and use the guest checkout. We list some suggested amounts, but you can contribute any amount you wish.


The Boston Forecasting Research Institute, Forecasting, Economic Forecasting, Macroeconomic Forecasting, Business Forecasting, Forecasting for Business, Business Planning, Strategic Planning, Business Analytics, Marketing Analytics, Predicitve Analytics, Forecasting Research, Budgeting for Business, Financial Planning for Business, Optimal Budgeting for Business