
Client Services

We are a 501 (c)(3) public charity. We are structured as a multi-purpose organization in order to use a diversified set of revenues to fund our research function. In our client service practice, all revenues that we receive that are in excess of the costs of producing and marketing our services are used to subsidize our research function.

We are operational. We offer two types of services to clients: business planning and forecasting business financial performance. Our forecasting business financial performance services are used solely for forecasting the future revenues and costs of our clients.

The Boston Forecasting Research Institute, Forecasting, Economic Forecasting, Macroeconomic Forecasting, Business Forecasting, Forecasting for Business, Business Planning, Strategic Planning, Business Analytics, Marketing Analytics, Predicitve Analytics, Forecasting Research, Budgeting for Business, Financial Planning for Business, Optimal Budgeting for Business